Thursday, December 6, 2012

Google Search App For Android Meets New Changes

Google search app for Android now meets some new changes recently. The most attractive new feature is that very Passbook-eque, as it can now pull up boarding passes via email and use QR codes for checking into airport terminals.

And it's sure that the check-in feature will apparently launch shortly for United Airlines, with more to come soon. Meanwhile, the updated app will include more recommendations for things nearby, as well as weather data, summaries for walking and biking activity, etc. This helps to get more choices. 

What's more, it features new voice actions for posting to Google+, finding music.For music lovers, you can't miss to try the "finding music" feature.You know it has been on online for years, now it's finally on mobile device. Just simply ask your device “what song is playing?” by Google voice and your device’s microphone will "take the order" and check your music, interpret it, and then inform you of the song’s name. It's surprise that the feature can even speak the song title back to you. Artist information, and pricing and download access via the Google Play music store is also available directly via Google Now. See it saves a lot effort ! But it is currently exclusive to users in the United States. For other areas, you need to wait for some time.

Let's see what's new:

· New cards:

o - Events nearby

o - Suggestions to help with your research

o - Boarding passes from Gmail (USA only, more to come)

o - Search by camera when at museums or shops

o - Weather at upcoming travel destinations

o - Approximate monthly summary of walking and biking activity

· New voice actions:

o - Post to Google+

o - Say “What’s this song?” to find the song you hear

o - Say “Scan a barcode” to find product info

So if you use Google search a lot, you must be happy to see the new changes. And now open you app to to try the new. Please mind that the update is only available now for devices running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or up. For other Android version users, you have to wait some time for the suitable version.


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//PART 2